In contrast to Canada, South Africa’s competition law has both competition and public interest objectives. A major focus of the legislation from a public interest perspective is the promotion of historically disadvantaged persons and small business. This is understandable, given the fact that when the legislation was first enacted in 1998, South Africa was emerging
Palesa Mpe
South African Competition Commission Draft Small Merger Regulations – Digital Markets in the Spotlight
Following its recent announcement of a proposed market inquiry in this sector, the South African Competition Commission (the “Commission”) is continuing its efforts to improve regulatory scrutiny within digital markets. On 7 May 2021, the Commission published for comments draft amendments to its guidelines for the notification of small mergers (the “Draft Amendments…
Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry
South Africa’s Competition Commission (the “Commission”) has published the finalised Terms of Reference for its Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry (“OIPMI”). The OIPMI follows the Commission’s release of its “Competition in the Digital Economy” paper wherein it notes the benefits of online products and services but expressed concerns about the ‘winner-takes-all’ nature of some of…