Photo of Patrick F.D. McCann

The joining of bid rigging and conspiracy charges has questionable utility.

Offences Defined

The definitions of the offence of bid rigging in s. 47(1)(b) of the Competition Act is defined in part as the submission of a bid or tender which is arrived at by arrangement or agreement. A criminal conspiracy in s. 465(3) of

On April 26, 2015 the jury issued 60 “not guilty” verdicts for the six individuals and three corporations who stood accused in the 8 month long R v Durward trial. This case marks a milestone in Canadian bid-rigging trials; it is one of the largest proceedings of this nature to have ever occurred. It also

On April 27, 2015, Peter Mantas and Pat McCann secured a victory in a major criminal bid-rigging trial. This communique will provide you with some further information about the trial including why it is important for companies that engage in any procurements and why it is precedent setting.

In a dramatic conclusion to an eight